School system

To serve public and private schools, follow up on the status of students, and evaluate their activity and tuition status.

It includes:

  1. Various Types of Courses: We can define a diverse range of educational courses offered by the institute, such as Excel courses, language courses, and others.
  2. Different Categories for Each Course: We identify main categories to specify the academic specialties of the institute, like defining main categories as a first step.
  3. Course Components: Additional components can be added to the course, such as delivery service or a certificate at the end of the course, with their values and discounts specified separately.
  4. Student Status: We use student statuses to differentiate students with different colors based on their status, making it easy to classify and track them.
  5. Classroom Definition: Institute classrooms are defined with their capacity and lesson times to indicate whether they are occupied or vacant.
  6. Course Opening (Course Card): A dedicated card can be opened for each course containing information such as course schedules, teacher details, and sales information.
  7. Course Processing and Student Enrollment: Students can be processed and enrolled in courses, with the option to specify components unique to each student.
About Bihorns

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